As produced wellhead fluids – crude oil, natural gas, and brine must be processed before the sale, transport, reinjection, or disposal. Therefore, oil and gas production involves several surface-unit operations between the wellhead and the point of custody transfer or transport from the production facilities. Multitex has gained its core competence in the development of various packages for the processing of crude and Gas, including the treatment and disposal of the water produced.
Our offered solutions are suitably designed for onshore and offshore design conditions. Our solutions for the offshore include certifications like DOSH for Malaysia, DNV/ ABS Marine Class certifications / Approvals, and structural integrity as per the yaw/roll/ heave and pitch moments. As an extension to our offered solutions & services, our team has necessary certified training for both offshore and onshore.
They are used to remove liquid and dry impurities at the wellhead, the inlet to the Transmission Stations in the distribution system & many industrial processors.
They are designed to remove fine suspended droplets (mist) from the gas stream.
We design and manufacture a full range of fuel gas conditioning skids to provide clean, dry, metered Gas at the required pressure and temperature. Our customized solutions include offshore critical packages like Primary & Secondary Skids, Instrument Utility Gas Skids, and Instrument Gas Dryers for FPSO topsides and Offshore Process Platforms. The offshore solutions are designed either as per the end-user specifications or OEMs like Rolls Royce, Solar turbines, etc.
We design and manufacture, customized Glycol Dehydration skid to remove dissolved water and also CO2 from wet saturated Gas by using liquid desiccant (Glycol).
The filter section typically includes a mechanical pre-coat type filter, to remove solid particles from the solution followed by activated carbon filters, which remove chemical contaminants such as surfactants, large hydrocarbon molecules, and degradation products, the last stage is filtration on cartridge guard filters.
We design and manufacture, customized Glycol Dehydration skid to remove dissolved water and also CO2 from wet saturated Gas by using liquid desiccant (Glycol).
Test separators are equipped with different meters to identify the oil, water, and gas rates. These are important to diagnose well problems, evaluate the production performance of individual wells, and manage reserves properly.
Three-phase separator for separating produced well fluid into Gas, oil, and water streams along with sand jet systems and proprietary internals. Our customized solutions are field-proven, take necessary care not only for the right residence time but also the right choice of instruments. We offer stand-alone and skid-mounted separators, both for onshore facilities and offshore platforms and topsides on FPSO.
They are designed to carry out the process of oil-gas separation, free water removal, heating, settling, and washing of crude oil all within a single compact unit.
It is a piece of equipment that is used in upstream production facilities to remove slug from the gas stream or downstream of pipeline and pigging operations.
We provide Electrostatic Coalescer/Dehydration Equipment. Our design is suited for heavy crudes as low as 16° API.
Desalters are electrostatic coalescers used to remove salt and other contaminants from crude oil before the crude distillation process in the refinery.
We offer a Nut Shell deep-bed design for contaminant retention and reduce backwash frequency. The detailed design of the filter fixed internals is critical to the successful long-term operation of the filter. Both top and bottom distributors have triple functions.